Packing your Hospital Bag

In the US and most other developed countries, the majority of babies are born in a hospital setting. While hospitals provide a lot of amenities, state-of-the-art equipment and well-trained, professional staff, one thing they cannot provide is the warmth and comfort of your own home. Ideally, you will only visit the hospital to give birth and may stay there for 2-5 days after for your recovery and to make sure your little one adjusts well. For some mothers, medical conditions can mean that they will spend a lot more time in the hospital and away from their loved ones. So, how do you prepare? What should you pack in your hospital bag? And when should you have it ready?

Every pregnancy is different, and depending on circumstances, you may want to think about a hospital bag earlier or later. If you and baby are healthy and your pregnancy is uncomplicated, I would say that 34-36 weeks is a good time to gather the items you will take to the hospital with you. For mothers that experience medical complications, it may be a good idea to pack their bag much earlier. Some of us like to be prepared, others like to procrastinate (that’s Me!). There may not be the one best time to get your hospital bag ready, but I would suggest to give it some thought prior to 37 weeks gestation. I wouldn’t want you to find yourself in a situation where you experience signs of labor and have to hustle to get the necessary items together before hitting the road to meet your baby. Anything you can check off your to-do list before the final weeks of your pregnancy should get taken care of earlier than later.

So, what should you take to the hospital with you? Again, this will probably vary from one person to the next. I have tried to put together a list of necessities and some additional items you may choose to take long with you.


You may think of some additional items, but I feel that this list covers the most important things. Personally, I like to keep things simple so that I do not have to carry multiple bags on top of the car seat and flowers or presents people may bring to the hospital. Most hospitals provide essential post partum items as well as diapers, wipes and formula for your little one. One thing you definitely do not need to bring is your pump. Hospitals provide pumps and storage bags for your convenience should you need to pump. Keep in mind that labor makes very hungry and bring plenty of your favorite snacks and drinks. Mother’s Milk tea may be available but it could also be a good addition to your hospital bag.

What items did you find helpful? Comment on the post and share your recommendations with other expecting mothers!